Stuff the Bus Food Drive
$7,922 raised
$10,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Helping Hands and Skagit Transit are Stuffing The Bus to help feed the community.
Join us at the Cascade Mall on Saturday, February 27th for a Stuff the Bus Food Drive!
Helping Hands will be accepting ALL non-perishable food donations.
Please stay in your car. The staff will accept donations using a drive through model.
Special appearances by Cinderella & Spiderman from Enchanting Events!
Are you the next Community Champion? The organization, business or service group that brings in the most pounds in donations will be crowned Community Champion! Monetary donations also count towards the goal: $1 = 25 pounds
Special thanks to our Community Champion lunch sponsor, Rockfish Grill!
To learn more about how your team can become the Community Champion, win a catered lunch and more, please call (360) 856-2211 or email development@helpinghandsfoodbank.org.
Let's Stuff the Bus to feed Skagit!